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Dr Sharma Diagnostics

$tatin Nation

Is reducing cholesterol really the first line of defence against heart disease as many of us are led to believe?

We are told that cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease. At least 40 million people are currently taking cholesterol-lowering medications, known as statins, and millions more people are avoiding foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol. The basic idea is that dietary saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, and these two substances somehow clog-up our arteries, causing a heart attack. This idea is often referred to as the diet-heart hypothesis. However, a numbers of doctors and researchers have been challenging this hypothesis for decades, and the latest heart disease statistics reveal some alarming facts. Such as:

  • People with high cholesterol tend to live longer
  • People with heart disease tend to have low levels of cholesterol
  • Cholesterol-lowering of a population does not reduce the rate of heart disease

In addition, despite their widespread use, and description as “wonder drugs” statin medications do not extend life for the majority of people who take them. Cholesterol-lowering has become a huge global industry, generating at least $29 billion each year. Have the facts about heart disease, cholesterol and cholesterol medications been distorted by pharmaceutical companies and food manufacturers keen to increase their profits?

I was privileged to be asked to offer some comments on these facts and this informative and life-changing program is now available through watching the movie below or by viewing externally on the following link:

I cannot state how important I think this documentary and the accompanying book by Justin Smith are - particularly for those with known arterial or heart disease or those with a family history of heart attacks and strokes.

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Is your home making you ill?

We may be exposed to over 700,000 chemicals a day in our homes.

Our clothes and furniture are impregnated with pesticides (when did any of us last see a mothball?) and fire retardants are added to household fabrics. Even the wood in our house is full of preservative. Our computers, when on and hot, are releasing volatile oxidative compounds, and when we heat our wonderfully well-insulated houses all of these chemicals vaporise and release into the draft-free, airless atmosphere.

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